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Terms and Conditions
Here is an overview of our official Fieldair Engineering Limited Conditions of Sale:
Charges for work undertaken will be based on the company's ruling rate prevailing at the time of carrying out the work. For parts and other goods supplied ex stock prices shall be those prevailing at the date of installation or delivery. Additional charges for overtime work at the customers request and specialised work such as welding, machining, bead blasting, inspection design work, etc will be made at such higher rate as shall be agreed between the company and the customer prior to the date of commencement of such work or if no such agreement is reached at such reasonable additional rate as the company may determine.
Unless expressly included in any quotation given by the company sales taxes, goods and services taxes and other taxes and duties assessed or levied in connection with work carried out or parts or other goods supplied to the customer are not included in the price and are the responsibility of the customer.
All work carried out on behalf of a customer and all parts and other goods supplied will be invoiced to the customer immediately after completion of the job or after delivery of such parts and goods to the customer. The company however reserves the right at all times to require payment for work carried out and parts and other goods supplied prior to releasing the object upon which the work was carried out or delivery of the parts and other goods. Payment in respect of invoices rendered shall be made not later than the 20th day of the month following the rendering of such invoice. No dispute in respect of any charge or price or in respect of workmanship shall entitle the customer to withhold payment of invoices rendered. The company reserves the right to charge reasonable interest at its current bank overdraft rate on accounts unpaid after the 20th of the month and the customer shall be liable for all further reasonable costs associated with collection of overdue accounts. Where the company carries out work for a customer over a period of more than one month then the company reserves the right to render a work in progress invoice at the end of each month. Such invoice shall be due for payment by not later than the 20th of the month following the rendering of the invoice.
Except to the extent that the company is at fault:
Risk in anything delivered by the customer to the company for work to be carried out shall at all times remain with the customer; and
Risk in any parts or other goods supplied by the company to the customer shall pass either when such parts or goods are incorporated into any object delivered by the customer for repair or delivered to the customer or into custody on the customer's behalf.
Ownership of parts or goods sold by the company and whether incorporated into goods owned by the customer or delivered to the customer is retained by the company until payment is received for the full amount owing in respect of those parts or goods. This provision is designed to protect the company in the event of the bankruptcy, receivership, or liquidation of the customer, a seizure of goods by a creditor of the customer or default in payment. Such events and the filing of legal proceedings seeking any such event are subsequently referred to as "the said events".
Until payment is made the customer shall be only a fiduciary owner of the goods and the customer agrees to:
Enable the parts and/or goods to be readily identifiable as the property of the company.
Maintain the parts and/or goods so supplied or incorporated in good order and condition and to return the parts and/or goods immediately if called upon to do so by the company.
In the event of default in payment on the due date or any of "the said events" the customer shall at the request of the company deliver into possession of the company the said parts and/or goods AND the company is authorised by the customer to enter into any premises on which the parts and/or goods may be located and to recover the same. The customer hereby agrees to meet all reasonable costs of and incidental to the validly conducted recovery of the said parts and/or goods as well as any shortfalls between the amount owing and the value of the parts and/or goods covered.
Delivery of parts or goods supplied shall be made at the place indicated by the customer or if no place is indicated delivery shall be made at the company's premises. If the customer fails or refuses to accept delivery the parts or goods shall be deemed to have been delivered when the company was willing to deliver them.
Any time for completion of work or delivery or parts or goods shall be approximate only and shall not be deemed to be of the essence of the contract.
To the extent permitted by law and not including the provisions of the Fair Trading Act 1986, all warranties, descriptions, representations and conditions as to suitability for any purpose, tolerance to any conditions or otherwise, whether of a like nature or not and whether expressed or implied by any trade custom or otherwise not expressly set forth in these Conditions of Sale are expressly excluded. To the extent that the parties are in trade, the parties agree that the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 will not apply.
The company will use its best endeavours to enable the customer to take advantage of any such warranty obtained from an original supplier of parts or goods if any but shall not itself be bound by such warranty.
Except to the extent that such loss or damage is caused by or arises due to the wilful misconduct of the company, the company shall not be liable for any loss of profits or consequential or special loss, damage or injury of any kind whatsoever suffered by the customer arising directly or indirectly.
The customer authorises the company to set-off, withhold or deduct without prior notice or demand any amount due or payable to the company by the customer under this Agreement or any other agreement from any payment made by the company to the customer in full or partial satisfaction of any amount owing to the customer by the company under this Agreement or any other agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, this right of set-off applies to any amount due or payable under any agreement relating to the supply of goods and/or services between the company and customer.
11. PRIVACY ACT 2020
The company may collect personal information from the customer (if it is an individual for the purposes of the Privacy Act 2020) or its personnel (if it is an entity) as provided in the company's Privacy Policy (as amended from time to time) which is available at Individuals may request access and correction of any personal information held by the company, as well as make any privacy complaint, by contacting the company at or the Freightways Privacy Officer at For further details please see the company’s Privacy Policy.
The company may, upon giving one month's written notice to the customer, amend these Conditions of Sale. Any amendments will be made available on the company's website. The customer's continued use of the company's goods and services will be taken as acceptance of any amended Conditions of Sale.